Looking After  Your Health

The 7 ages of

Frank Selkirk

The seeds behind the move to a small farm in South-East Spain go back to the mid 1950’s: when Sheena was enjoying the heat of living in Jamaica and Frank was having the freedom of messing around in a run-down farm..

In 1999 we came out to that area with our friends Mike & Diane Kaiser to stay with other friends who had “emigrated” from Broseley: Mike and Sheila Picken. Mike P. Said that if I ever wanted to move to Spain: don’t delay! So duly in 2000 we came out to see if we could find somewhere which might suit: and found the run-down Cerradilla would very well suit.  

Thus it was that on Sheena’s 61st Birthday (25th May 2007) we arrived at  a much refurbished Cerradilla. Frank had organised two “secret” presents for her: a plunge pool and a dinner party at the local hotel with 20 or so guests

The pool has been a great asset. But it would be churlish for Frank not to mention that at the dinner party he met one who was to become as good a friend as he has had. However it was not until just over nine months later that feeling distinctly chilly over 2000 metres up on the Sierra Cabrera that acquaintance really turned into friendship


Not to be outdone (!) Another party was held on our patio celebrating my 70th birthday.

But what have we been doing since arriving here 13½ years ago? Well, yes, it is a

3 hectare olive farm: so tending and harvesting olives: also oranges, grapefruit,

lemons, various vegetables etc. Planting Trees. But also continuing writing various

bits and pieces and - “directing” various companies. That  needs some explaining.

Well, John Fletcher (see “Worker”) has been a friend since 1969: When in

Wolverhampton worked together and lived nearby. And then when we both moved

to Shropshire we continued to live nearby and our young families frequently met. But then In the 1990’s he moved to Indonesia and being not allowed to run a company there asked me to set up and “Direct” a company for him, whilst he as “Authorised Representative” did his work in Jakarta. The scope has increased over the years, whilst I do the main European activities: banking, accounting, signing contracts etc.  (See too scientech.asia: allied to Scientech Ltd)

Well it keeps me out of getting into too much trouble.  (We do not take fees or dividends: but one of the ways we deal with profits is shown on the Marble Arch (Knutsford) web site.)

I had a great 80th birthday celebration last year with many good friends and our immediate family.

The pool shortly after we arrived

The pool in 2114

      Catherine  at Cerradilla

For Frank’s 70th Birthday party

Catherine has been such a friend that Sheena & Frank have both been to stay with her mother in North Wales but she was the sole “local” attending the next major event held at our Lucainena home: the wedding reception for Duncan & Nancy!

The next year it was Frank & Sheena’s 40th Wedding Anniversary:

By then a grand-daughter had arrived to help

But our Golden Wedding celebrations were CV’d. A couple of days in a small hotel (we were the only guests) some lunches and visiting with friends: but what’s in a few months delay? ?